I dream of a world where people in general and people in armed forces of all the nations on this planet Earth do not get killed because of wars and hatred nurtured by few, so called, political and religious leaders. Large numbers of innocent military and civilian people are motivated to be killed in wars and skirmishes (the political and religious leaders do not get killed and do their own children join the armed forces of their nations?).
To my mind, everything can be negotiated in a humane manner. Mutual communication and working towards win-win consensus pave the way to the world level problems. We see the business people, all over the world, sorting out the differences and conflicts among themselves; they do not kill each other. Some of those problems are very complex and huge and yet, they find solutions without wars and hatred and killings. Politicians and religious (so called) leaders should learn a lesson or two. Or they should be made to learn their lessons.
There is a need to create a "boundaryless" "one" world on planet Earth.
(Refer our High Quality Management Encyclopedia at: http://management-universe.blogspot.com/)
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